Sunday, March 18, 2012

Shimmering Emerald Eyes

There were once millions of dragons all around the world living in harmony with humans and animals alike.  They were distinguishable by their gorgeous, vibrant, blonde hair to match their golden scales.  It was a good while before humans saw the value of these creatures that could take on human form and mingle with society.  When they did discover it, however, there began a terrible hunt.  Dragons were looked upon as commodities like animals.  Some tried to keep them as pets while others murdered them for their priceless attributes such as their claws and scales.  But dragons were not meant to be held captive and fought back when attacked.  A savage war ensued until all the dragons were eventually removed from the earth.  That is, all but one.  There was a king, the man who was known the world round for being the one who had slain the last dragon, who while out for a stroll in the woods one day, stumbled upon a young dragon.  The poor thing quaked with fear in his presence.  Seeing the trembling form touched the king’s heart.  He smiled as kindly as he could and told the dragon about a cave not too far up the mountain that no man would care to reach because of the trouble he’d have to go through to get there.  Then, after one last encouraging smile, he continued on his walk.

*Years Later*

As she raced through the forest, Edolie could hear nothing but the relentless pounding of her own heart.  “Kipp!  Kipp, where are you?” she shouted as loud as she could.  When Edolie had returned to their little broken down cottage, she found her little brother was nowhere to be seen.  Racing through the woods, she searched desperately for him.  “Kipp!”  A seven year old boy alone in the forest, only the worst scenarios played through her mind.  Tripping over a fallen branch, Edolie found herself in a clearing.  Over by the mountain, she saw Kipp with his back pressed up against the rock.  Edolie’s breath caught in her throat at the sight of the creature in front of him.  A golden dragon stood eight yards tall.  He slowly turned his head to face her.  The moment his shimmering emerald eyes reached her, she froze.  His gaze lingered on her for a long moment before he turned his attention back to Kipp.  The second she was no longer captive in his stare, Edolie leapt to her feet and bolted over to Kipp.  She positioned herself between the dragon and her precious little brother.  Her fear for Kipp’s life kept her from noticing the blood running down her leg from the deep gash above her knee.  In an exaggerated motion, Edolie threw her arms out and glared into the monster’s eyes.  Edolie would have shouted for him to leave Kipp alone, had her speech not been robbed by the strange way in which the dragon responded.  It looked as though he had rolled his eyes at her.  Then, as the creature opened its mouth, a low, loud rumble echoed in the clearing.  A small pebble fell onto Edolie’s head, prompting her to look up.  Eyes wide with terror, she gasped at the torrent of boulders of all sizes hurling themselves down the mountainside.  Not even Kipp’s tugging on her dress could get the feeling back in her legs.  No matter how badly she wanted to move, she couldn’t.  A large boulder bounced off and was headed toward her when the dragon’s enormous, clawed front foot, swept her and Kipp up.  With a tremendous beat of his wings, the dragon surged into the sky.
Next thing she knew, Edolie was lying on the floor of their cottage, covered by her tattered blanket.  She held her throbbing head as she sat up.  Such a strange dream.  “Kipp?”
“Yes, Sister?” Kipp came and knelt beside her.
“I had the most unusual dream just now.”  She paused.  “What time is it?”
Edolie’s eyes shot open wide.  “What?!  Wait a little.  I’ll get your dinner ready!”  She threw the blanket from her body.
With a large grin, Kipp stopped her by saying, “Garrick gave me dinner already.  I saved some for you.  I’ll go get it.”  He raced away.
Garrick?  An imaginary friend?  Edolie looked down and saw her bandaged leg.  Why do I…?  Suddenly, it hit her.  I-it wasn’t a dream?! “Kipp!”
Kipp ran back to her, carrying a small bowl with soup in it.  “Yes?”
“Kipp, who is Garrick?  What happened?” she asked, nervously awaiting his answer.
“Garrick saved us from the avalanche.”  He offered her the bowl.  “It’s good.”
“Garrick is…”
“A dragon!” Kipp finished without hesitating.
Edolie touched her hand to her forehead, feeling quite dizzy.  But that’s impossible.  They were all wiped out years ago.  She took the bowl from Kipp and sipped the soup slowly.  It’s cold.  So that means Garrick isn’t around.  Most likely anyway.  “Kipp?”
“Don’t go running off like that again, understand?  It’s too dangerous.”
Kipp nodded like a good boy.  “I understand.”

The next morning, Edolie was awakened by the distant sound of trumpets blaring.  Curious, she and Kipp went into town to investigate.  The first townsperson she met told her the noise was to announce the return of the prince to the castle that wasn’t too far away.  The entire town was in a tizzy over the news that the prince would be passing through.  “Isn’t this exciting, Kipp?” she asked, squeezing his hand excitedly.
“Not really.  I’d rather go find Garrick.”
Edolie’s stomach turned.  “Forget about him.”
“Why?  He saved our lives.”
“Trust me, Kipp.  It’s better you forget.”  The last of Edolie’s warning was drowned by the sound of the loud murmurs that arose from every townsperson.  She and Kipp turned to see a train of horses parade into town.  Following close behind them was a carriage everyone knew must be carrying the prince.  They all rushed forward in an effort to catch a glimpse of him.  Edolie and Kipp were the only ones who stayed back.  The carriage was passing them when a voice shouting shrilly for them to stop.  Suddenly, everything was quiet as the prince stepped out of the carriage.  He stood nobly, sniffing the air.  After a minute, he locked eyes with Edolie and all but sprinted over to her.
“P-Prince Kenton?” the prince’s paunchy advisor waddled to his side.
“Take this girl and boy to our castle!” he shouted without breaking eye contact.  Two large knights came and lifted Edolie and Kipp onto the backs of their horses.  The crowd stared in silent awe, each person inwardly speculating the reason behind the prince’s strange behavior.

*At the Castle*

Kipp held on tightly to Edolie’s hand as she looked around the enormous throne room.  As soon as they’d arrived at Kenton’s castle they were shown into the room while he hurried off into another part of the castle, murmuring to himself.  An hour passed before they were joined.  The clicking of Prince Kenton’s boot heels echoed throughout the room as he walked briskly over to them after throwing the doors open with excessive force.  He stood inches from Edolie, studying her face for a long minute before crouching and staring at Kipp.  “Where is it?” he asked quietly, but with an air of urgency.
“What?” Edolie asked, honestly oblivious to what he meant.
Kenton returned to standing before Edolie.  He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her.  “The dragon!  Where is the dragon?!”
The crazed look in his eye coupled with the unexpectedness of his question frightened Edolie.  “I don’t know what you mean,” she practically whispered.
“Don’t lie!  I know you’ve been in contact with one!  I can smell it!”
Edolie could feel her heart steadily beating faster.  “That’s impossible.  They were all killed years ago.  Your father was the last man to see one.”
“I’m not wrong!”  He released her and paced for a while before bellowing, “GUARDS!”  A group of guards trooped into the room.  “Take these two to the dungeon.”
Panicked, Edolie held Kipp to her, “Why?”
He glared intensely at her.  “Until you are willing to tell me the truth, you will not step a toe out of the dungeon.  Hurry up!”
The guards seized Edolie and Kipp and dragged them down to the cold, dank, dark dungeon.  Edolie winced when her back slammed against the stone wall.  “Kipp!”  She waved her arms around in the darkness, searching for him.
“I’m here, Sister,” Kipp said calmly.
Her hand brushed passed his arm and she quickly pulled him into a tight embrace.  “Are you alright?”
“I’m alright.”
“I’m sorry.”
Edolie did not answer him.  Instead, tears began to fall as she thought of everything she could have done to prevent this outcome.  A long time ago, when their parents died, Edolie vowed to protect Kipp in their place.  Weeping silently, she resolved to do whatever it took to keep him safe despite their predicament.  Even if it meant causing herself harm, she would do it.  As she decided, she failed to notice the blood that seeped from her not-yet-fully-healed wound.  Her bandage was soaked by the time she and Kipp fell into restless sleep.

*Back in the Throne Room*

Kenton paced all around, clearly agitated.  His advisor stood in the middle of the room, watching him anxiously.  “P-Prince Kenton, are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure!” Kenton snapped, halting.  “There is a dragon out there and those two have been in contact with it.”
“But, Sir, even if they have, that doesn’t mean they know where it is!”
Commencing his pacing, Kenton said after considering his advisors words, “That may be true, but they didn’t even admit to meeting the thing so they must be lying!”  His advisor could see the futility in continuing to dispute the subject, so he kept his mouth shut.  “I will get them to talk!  No matter what!”  He turned on his heel and pointed to his advisor as he shouted, “Make sure they are fed only tasteless porridge!  And very little of it!”  His advisor nodded and waddled quickly out of the room.  Kenton slumped into his throne.  “I will have you, Dragon.”  A wicked grin spread across his face.  “And I will enjoy ripping you apart.”  His grin twisted into a grimace as he said, “I will never forgive you disgusting things for taking my brother from me.”

*Days Later*

“Have you seen Edolie?” a vendor asked a customer.
“You know, the girl the Prince took with him.”
“Oh!  That girl.  No, I haven’t seen her.  Why?”
The vendor rubbed his beard.  “No one’s seen her.  Neither her nor her little brother, Kipp.”
Garrick’s brow furrowed as he overheard this exchange.  Kipp?  Wasn’t that the name of that boy who tugged on my wing and tried to climb on my back while I was sleeping in that nice, warm afternoon sun?  He adjusted the hat that hid his blonde hair as he thought.
“Hey, Boy!” the vendor shouted at Garrick.  “You buying anything?”
Shaking his head, Garrick replied while still deep in thought.  “No.  Just looking.”  He walked away.  A castle came into view as he walked.  What am I thinking?  Even if they are in trouble, it’s none of my business.  Suddenly, Kipp’s pure and innocent smile flashed in his mind and he remembered the way Kipp had told him he was always welcome at his home if he ever needed shelter.  A short laugh escaped Garrick’s lips as he shook his head at the memory.  “I was so convinced such kindness had died out by now.”  With a heavy sigh, Garrick crouched and looked up at the castle determinedly.  “Fine.”

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